NH Charitable Foundation names Richard Peck vice president of development and philanthropy services
April 17, 2017
Former Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health and the Geisel School of Medicine development professional joins New Hampshire’s statewide community foundation
A bequest created contention. Planning can avert that
April 12, 2017
The Charitable Foundation's Jenifer Cannon suggests some things to think about when planning bequests
New study shows benefits of investing in early childhood programs
April 10, 2017
RAND Corporation study, "Investing in the Early Years," shows positive financial returns for investments supporting young children
Keeping the republic
March 22, 2017
At Town Meeting, we were not just affirming shared principles, buying a new dump truck and repairing the "horse hearse house." We were practicing keeping the republic
‘You are the future of this town’
March 13, 2017
At Town Meeting season, the Supervisors of the Checklist and the longtime road agent sent a clear message to the next generation: we need you to come back.
‘Why I Care’ video makes a powerful case for investing in early childhood
March 9, 2017
Foundation supporting Spark NH's communications efforts as part of its New Hampshire Tomorrow initiative to increase youth opportunity
Youth Summit to focus on opioid awareness
March 3, 2017
Thousands of New Hampshire students gathering in Manchester to learn about prevention strategies and resources
Finding common ground for our kids
February 24, 2017
Americans fundamentally agree on many things. Perhaps first and foremost: all of our kids deserve a shot at achieving the American Dream.
Honoring Black History Month
February 10, 2017
New Hampshire nonprofits offer events to illuminate the past and inform the present
Speak Up New Hampshire
February 8, 2017
Partnership for Drug Free New Hampshire launches campaign to change the way we think and talk about addiction
Standing with New Americans
January 30, 2017
Welcoming immigrants and refugees to our shores is fundamental to our national principles, to New Hampshire values and to this Foundation’s mission of building stronger communities
What do we mean when we talk about poverty?
January 18, 2017
And how are New Hampshire's kids doing?