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For more than a half-century, generous New Hampshire individuals, families and businesses have entrusted their philanthropic assets to the Charitable Foundation. Because the Foundation is a steward of these assets on behalf of the community for today and forever, we will seek to achieve both community goals and financial return in our investment strategies.

The Foundation has a track record of strong investment performance across changing economic times. We seek the best possible return while working to align our investments with our purpose and values and avoid undue risk — maximizing dollars available to fund critical work in New Hampshire communities today, while prudently maintaining and growing those resources to maintain an enduring source of philanthropic capital.

Our Board of Directors and Investment Committee oversee our investment pools and are assisted by Cambridge Associates, the Foundation’s investment consultants.

The following documents are in PDF format, and you will need Adobe Acrobat to view them. Download a free copy of Acrobat Reader.


Financial Statements

Audited Financial Statements (2023)

Audited Financial Statements (2022)

Audited Financial Statements (2021)

Audited Financial Statements (2020)

Audited Financial Statements (2019)

Audited Financial Statements (2018)

Audited Financial Statements (2017)

Audited Financial Statements (2016)

Audited Financial Statements (2015)

Audited Financial Statements (2014)

Audited Financial Statements (2013)

Audited Financial Statements (2012)


Form 990’s

990 and 990-T (2023)

990 and 990-T (2022)

990 and 990-T (2021)

990 and 990-T (2020)

990 and 990-T (2019)

990 and 990-T (2018)

990 and 990-T (2017)

990 and 990-T (2016)

990 and 990-T (2015)

990 and 990-T (2014)

990 and 990-T (2013)

990 and 990-T (2012)